With the prevalence of the internet over the last few decades, most people feel like they can do anything themselves. Whether it’s home renovation, basic haircuts or modifying your clothes, the internet provides a false sense of confidence in DIY-ers.

However, there are some tasks you shouldn’t tackle alone, especially in estate planning. But why shouldn’t you plan your estate at home? Why can’t you sign a few forms at home?

Secret issues behind DIY estate planning

While a DIY estate plan may save you a few dollars, it’s likely to cost more further down the line – especially when you have many assets to balance. Most attorneys understand the complications behind an estate and can ensure your wishes are fulfilled.

It’s not always enough to draft a will and hope for the best. You need someone who can act on your behalf and ensure your plan covers everything from medical wishes, asset division, guardianship and even funeral arrangements. It can be challenging to catch all the nuances of an estate plan if you are filling out documents at home.

Along with that, there is a danger to fall into “one-size-fits-all” planning. You may have specific goals or intentions with your estate that are hard to accomplish with a cookie-cutter will. Luckily, an experienced professional can help you establish a plan that fits your specific needs within your budget.

The most significant problem is the effects of a DIY estate plan on loved ones. If a will isn’t done correctly, it will fall into probate court where friends, family and others will fight over your assets until there is nothing left. It may take months or years for your loved ones to recover.

Luckily, there is a simple solution. Avoid DIY plans and online forms. Instead, work with someone who can guide you through the process and make sure your plan works for you and your family.