You Need To Plan For Your Long-Term Care

We live in a culture where attempts to remain “forever young” are celebrated. While there is nothing wrong with enjoying one’s life no matter what your age, the fact is time catches up with everyone eventually. When it does, families and individuals may be shocked at how expensive long-term care can be, which can have disastrous financial consequences.

It is possible to plan for long-term care. However, this requires people to think ahead quite a few years and may involve some rather uncomfortable realities. I am attorney James S. Vergotz. From my Pittsburgh law office, I help people throughout western Pennsylvania with all of their elder law needs. To find out how you can help secure a future for you and your loved ones, call me at 412-366-0510.

Care Is Not Cheap

The expense of long-term care can be significant. While it is impossible to predict the total amount you may expect to pay for care for yourself or your loved one, the cost can quickly eat away at your savings and retirement accounts.

Nursing homes and assisted living facilities are not cheap. Medicaid can help blunt some of the expense, but qualifying for Medicaid requires planning in and of itself. The good news is that proper planning stated earlier can help ensure that you have funds set aside to help cover the costs of long-term care insurance and other expenses.

It Is Not Too Early To Begin Thinking About The Future

In an effort to catch people who are attempting to game the system, the state of Pennsylvania will “look back” five years to determine if assets were moved or transferred in an effort to qualify for Medicaid aid. Long-term care planning is not something you can put off until it is needed. Seeking help from a qualified elder law attorney while you are still in good health is absolutely essential.

Contact A Lawyer To Learn More

To find out more about your options regarding long-term care planning, speak with me. Call 412-366-0510 or contact me online to schedule an initial consultation to discuss your situation.